
Clients Testimonial
“Everything she taught us would’ve taken me YEARS to figure out. SO Helpful Highly recommend to actors… will save a lot of time.”
“I wanna thank you sooooooooo much for your help ALWAYS. You seriously get me so inspired and motivated each time I talk to you. You have the BEST ideas, and you are so great about listening to me and really understanding my needs, and coming up with solid solutions and suggestions. You’re so awesome, Thank you!!!”
“I wanna say, thank you so VERY much for our last talk. You gave me better and more useful information on contacting industry professionals and networking than anybody that I have ever spoke to. I appreciate the guidance very much.”
“Thanks for everything:) Today was super super insightful and informative in an uplifting, fear-facing, budget friendly way! You can quote me if you like, lol. Cheers!”
“I’ve been applying some of the many things you shared in the coaching class you gave a few months ago and I’m so grateful for your insight and the results I’m seeing. I appreciate your help so much.”
“Thanks for a great night full of info! I really appreciate it! You did a tremendous job of offering lots to work on and do and also a lot of centering ways to look at the fun industry we’re choosing for ourselves. Last night couldn’t have come at a better time.”
“Kari is a creative and personable career counselor that can come up with outside the box solutions to further your career. Personally, she encouraged me to be a producer to help my acting career. She is also a skilled and experienced acting coach that knows just what feedback to give to bring authenticity to your acting performance. With her coaching I have greatly improved my cold reading and auditioning skills. I would highly recommend Kari as both an actress and a career coach.”
“Thanks, Kari! You truly have helped me move and think in ways I never thought I would or could!”
“Thank you so much for all of your advice Monday night!!! IMDB boosted, got back in contact with a bunch of old friends and booked a film from it!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!”
“Just wanted to say thank you again for letting me in on your “Business of Acting” class last Friday. It was incredibly helpful – especially all the IMDB stuff!! Thank you thank you. So positive and wonderful! Thank You!
“The best instructor I’ve ever had”
“Thank you so much for all the advice you have given me. I am really starting to see things differently now in this industry and understand what i really have to do to get where i want to be. I wouldn’t have put two and two together if it weren’t for you so thank you!”
“ In a time when people sometimes forget what it means to PAY IT FORWARD ( one of my favorite movies ) … You, lovely lady, showed me a kindness and a generosity of spirit and said “I just have a feeling about you” …. Thank you for welcoming me back into the “world of being an artist” with understanding and light … & “Paying it Forward” May all be abundant for you!”
“Hi Kari. Thank you so much for helping me with those sides today, i feel so much more confident in going to this audition tomorrow because of the advice you gave me today Thank you so so much :)”
“I LOVED the business class on Friday. You gave such good advice; practical and inspiring! It REALLY made a difference to me, I “Kari-ed” ( bu-duhm, buhm) lots of what you said with me during these past 2 days. ~ Outstanding, smart, honest, helpful, She knows her STUFF!”
“Kari is always awesome and I am a better artist because I’ve been fortunate to know and learn from her.”
“Thank you for such an informative business workshop. I loved how principles of life were included as well as things to do to help us move forward….I walked away with really taking a stand for my career and ideas and ways of doing so, that didn’t even cross my mind before!”
“Thank you so much for tonight! I am so glad I was able to come and enjoy all the incredibly valuable information you shared and your wonderful energy, beauty and presence. I am so grateful to have you in my life and look forward to celebrating many more successes together.”
“This changed my entire perspective of myself, my career, and the very nature of how I will live my life from tonight forward. I was so empowered and enlightened. I can’t thank Kari enough.”
“I feel so relieved that I can learn from the likes of Kari”
“I was resistant at first because I thought it was just going to be someones opinions on “How to make it in the Business” but she incorporated a lot of the Law of Attraction stuff and things (self improvement) I use and work on and it was great to hear someone else apply it to our business!”
“She is absolutely Great. She knows what she is talking about and she makes it fun and inspiring.”
“Her passion and willingness to share such valuable information was awesome. You can feel that she wants us to succeed and its very motivating and helpful. One, if not the BEST classes I’ve ever been to. I can say 100% that I’ve never learned as much about the business as I did tonight.”
“ Kari puts her whole heart into this class each and every time. I appreciate her enthusiasm and she has a very wide base of knowledge”.
“Excellent, Excellent, Excellent! But I gotta tell you … I’m shell shocked. I’ll need a couple days to fully engulf all the tips Kari gave. – She’s great”
“Kariiii !!!!! :). Wow, what a great ride!!! Thank you so much for all your tremendous help and for being such an awesome inspiration!!! I am so grateful the day you became my coach and best of all, friend!!! You are sooooo ridiculously talented, and your passion for the craft and desire to help others succeed is truly amazing and a gift to all are fortunate enough to see you in action! May God bless you abundantly above all you can ask or imagine!!! xoxo :)”
“Kari’s class rocks to the extreme! Kari gives you a myriad of specific actions you can take for your professional acting career, all well within your own control. I feel her class is invaluable to those actors who are serious about working hard every day to further their career in a professional, aggressive manner.”
“Today was one of the best things I’ve ever done for my career. My mind is definitely spinning! I was so inspired & moved. LOVED it! Thank You!”
“Thank you so much for the coaching day, it was truly awesome! I learned more in one day than I have in 6 months of going to multiple seminars. The amount of relevant information provided by Kari has already started to make changes in my world.”
“I felt so rejuvenated and armed with such a wealth of information after leaving your coaching session! Thanks a Million!”
“Thank you thank you thank you! OMG I learned so much yesterday. I was taking PAGES and PAGES of notes.”
“Thank you for an inspiring and empowering coaching! So much helpful information.”
“Today’s class was awesome. I am so excited… I wanted to say THANK YOU! All that info was priceless!”
“Kari you are promoted to Guardian Angel of Actors FIRST CLASS. Great day! Thank you !”
“I was so inspired & moved by Kari’s stories and quotes about failing & succeeding & helping each other. LOVED IT!!! Thank You “
“I LOVE Kari and her classes! Again, I learned something new & valuable! Actors that don’t take advantage of her business class and coaching, do not know how much they are missing!”
“Kari is truly a breath of fresh air, filling her class with great, resourceful ideas and positivity”
“Best class I’ve ever had. Can’t thank you enough”
“I never got the chance to thank you for your class, you created a wonderful working atmosphere and I was shocked to learn so much in such a short amount of time. Thanks for all your help.”
Your class today was amazing! As well as the other two classes I have been able to attend of yours. I really appreciate that you even stayed longer and took the time out of your busy schedule. You are very informative and encouraging. I really appreciate your attitude and mind set. Thank you. This industry can be discouraging but you have motivated me by being an inspiration and encouragement. I am grateful to have added another positive person to my community such as yourself and look forward to working more with you. Thanks Again!
“OMG, Yesterday was one of the most USEFUL and INFORMATIVE and mind blowing days of my life. The information I got was SO amazing!!!!! It really has put me on another level of commitment AND excitement. Thank you again!”
“I’ve been buzzing and on fire since Saturday’s Marketing workshop and I’m just now sitting myself down to write this to you! Thank you so much for all your insights, and for your passion for acting, the business, and contributing to others. You are a true example of creating the life of your dreams, and I’m so inspired by you. I’ve been in action since Saturday and can barely sleep – I feel quite empowered. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”
“Kari’s seminar was the perfect combination of inner exploration and external butt-kicking!”
“Thank you again for that WONDERFUL seminar. Powerful, informative and motivating!!! (I could go on)!!! WOWOWOW!!! Such an awesome job. THANK YOU!!!!”
“Thank you so much for including me. It was an awesome event, that included so many wonderful showbiz pros and creative entrepreneurs. And you’re such a pro, you make it look so damn easy. I wanna …do all my seminars with you. I had a terrific time.”
“Every one of the speakers had something very important to teach and share. It was perfect. And very dynamic. So thank you very much. I am an actor that needed to move my career to the next level and today this seminar gave me the bullets to get my gun fully loaded and get out there to play the game of show business. THANK YOU!”
“Attended Press & Marketing Breakthrough for Actors yesterday, must say it was terrific. Awesome presenters talking about the importance of mentors, I got to do a great Red Carpet interview techniques exercise. Really shook things up w/ the secrets of the super successful. Thanks for a great event! I highly recommend that if any of you get a chance to attend any of Kari’s future events you should take it!”
“Really loved this seminar. I had a blast and received so much information. My brain is exploding with new information and new ideas.”
” I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for the Career Breakthrough event yesterday! I am very grateful! I got so much valuable new information from the terrific guests you arranged for us to hear speak. And there were reminders of things I had known before but have not been doing – also very valuable to me! I know this is going to help move me forward with my acting and my producing work in a big way. I have already begun to utilize some of the tips and information from the event. And I now have the beginnings of some new delightful relationships! I look forward to talking with you about my romantic comedy feature film project. This was a very impressive day and you are clearly a great producer. Congratulations on all you have accomplished, thank you for all you have shared with those of us who were privileged to be there, and I hope all good things for you as you pursue your goals! Blessings.”
“Really Really wonderful! I have a list that will keep me busy for weeks! Thanks for the new ideas!”
“WOW! GREAT. This was fantastic. Kari’s Knowledge and enthusiasm is smart, empowering, and invaluable! This is a must to anyone in the business at any level!”
“The best acting teacher I’ve ever had!”
“Very clear. Very helpful in breaking down goals and getting specific about them. Supportive enthusiastic knowledgeable – Fire-Starter!”
“My hidden Yoda.”
“We hired Kari to work with our entertainment company on marketing. She has a lot of experience and out of the box thinking. If you want a different look on your acting/writing marketing plan, I would highly suggest contacting Kari.”
“Kari was extremely knowledgeable and clearly brought the ideas shown to a reachable level. Extremely clear and helpful”
“Thankyou for lighting a flame in my career again.”
“Knowledge of the industry is exceptional!”
“Inspirational & extremely helpful. Got way more information than I thought.”